Throughout life, we make countless decisions and take countless actions.
However, the time we have in life—the number of days we can live—is limited.
In this short, finite life, are we prioritizing things correctly?
The Priorities of a Salaried Employee’s Life
Many people around the world choose to work as salaried employees.
A salaried employee’s life consists of working about eight hours a day, at fixed times, doing tasks assigned by someone else.
Even when there are more important things in life, they must still follow this routine.
From 9 AM to 5 PM each day, their top priority is work.
They dedicate their time and life to someone else’s business in exchange for a stable salary.
When the workday ends, they finally feel free, but they are often too tired or unmotivated to focus on things that truly matter to them.
This is the life of a salaried employee.
Of course, there are different types of salaried jobs, but for most people, this is the reality.
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