WHO AM I/自己紹介/自我介紹




そして、2015年の6月にフィンランドにてSidora Marketingという会社を立ち上げ、海外のゲームアプリを日本に導入するマーケティングビジネスを中心に事業を運営しております。



I am a Taiwanese who was born in 1981.

I lived in Taiwan until graduated from the university in 2006. In order to chase for a wider world from the small island, Taiwan, I came to Japan in 2006.

Studied in graduate school for 2 years and worked in a Japanese and a US company at Tokyo for 5 years, I decided to step out the track to start my road of entrepreneur at the age of 32. I tried to absorb some more experience in creating and managing start-up business with one of my Japanese friend for half of years from January 2014. Then I came to Finland to study business and entrepreneurship in the summer in 2014.

In June 2015, I established my own company, Sidora Marketing, in Finland to provide marketing service for western game companies to enter Japanese market.

In July 2016, due to the ultimate competition in mobile game market and the shortage of internal resource, I decided to terminate all mobile game related businesses. In December 2016, I decided to start a new webshop to sell Nordic and Finnish goods to Japan and the business continues until now (September 2018).

Hoping to help all people who want to create their own businesses by sharing my experience, I started this blog.
Your opinions are also always welcomed!


2006年從台灣的某大學畢業之後, 為了尋求更廣大的世界, 我在同年來到了日本.

在研究所念了兩年書, 並在日系企業與美資外商企業一共工作了五年之後. 我決定在32歲的時候走上創業之路. 我在2014年1月與一位日本友人一起開始了ㄧ些小生意, 從事了半年並吸取了ㄧ些實用的經驗. 之後依計劃在2014年夏天前往芬蘭攻讀商學與創業學碩士學位並準備創業.

在2015年6月, 我在芬蘭設立了Sidora Marketing股份有限公司從事遊戲APP的市場行銷服務以提供西方的遊戲開發商機會進入日本市場.


為了能對一同有志於創業的夥伴有所貢獻, 我開始寫部落格, 希望有朝一日能發揮其意義.
如果您有任何的意見, 還希望您不吝賜教.
