芬蘭的生活資訊往往與世隔絕, 尤其網路上資訊主要以芬蘭語為主, 外界難有機會一窺其中, 剛好最近是芬蘭許多大學發送入學許可的時期, 所以我想我可以來分享一下這裡的生活資訊, 給有需要的人做參考
I knew there is little information about Finland or Jyvaskyla on the internet, especially in English and now is the time for the universities in Finland to send out entrance admission, so I think I could have some living information on this blog for people who would need it.
In my previous article “Life information in Jyvaskyla”, I talked about the student accommodation and long distance bus systems in Jyvaskyla and Finland.
Today I’ll start from living cost in Jyvaskyla.
My average monthly living cost is around 700 euros.
之後隔天我去了學校拿了那一張明年也會繼續念的「Study Certificate」, 然後也去了警察局拿我新延長的簽證卡, 幾天之後我又去了一趟戶政事務所(Registration office)
話說戶政事務所的芬蘭語是「Maistraatit Magistraterna 」
這次就沒有問題了, 順利把住址登記為「Permanent address」, 服務人員說手續大概要一到兩個禮拜的時間, 登記好之後會把通知寄到家裡
その翌々日に大学のインタナショナル学生事務室の担当者から「Study Certificate」という来年もここで勉強するよという証明書をもらい、警察署にも行って新しいビザ(在留カード)をもらい、数日後にもう一度来これらの書類を持って戸籍事務所(Registration office)に行った。
ちなみに、戸籍事務所のフィンランド語は「Maistraatit Magistraterna 」だ。
(The events in this article were happened on 17th April 2015)
Let’s continue the story.
I took the piece of paper of study certificate from my university to state that I’ll study here for another year here and went to police station to take my new extended residence permit card. After a couple of days, I went to the registration office with all these documents.
経済雇用省の地方オフィス(TE Office)に行ったが、3週間経っても未だに電話が来ない。フィンランド語しか話せないなら、もう一回オフィスに行くのも少しためらう。
After searching on internet, I understood that there are 2 ways to apply for start-up grant.
One is to apply online and the other one is to visit the office.
I visited the local office of Ministry of Employment and the Economy in Jyväskylä (TE Office) 3 weeks ago, and I still didn’t receive any phone calls, even though they said they will call me.
Since the counter service person at the office only speaks Finnish, I hesitated to visit the office again.
I tried to think the other way to do it, which is to apply online.
在經過簡單的網路調查之後, 我了解到申請創業補助金的方法有兩種
一種是網路申請, 另一種是去經濟僱用部(Ministry of Economy and Employment)的本地事務所(TE Office)申請
在三個禮拜之前, 我已經去過事務所了, 但是服務人員說要打電話跟我聯絡, 到現在連個影子都沒有XD, 而且上次我遇到的服務人員不說英文, 讓我有點猶豫我是不是要再去一次
(The event occurred in this article was on 9th April 2015, but the post was delayed due to translation)
It’s quite troublesome, even though it’s actually not really a big deal for a company that will grow to an international giant in the future.
But I just feel it wasting time doing these paper works that is very unproductive.
Let me start from an overview of the whole story……
In order to create value from my business and to build my own business, I’m pushing forward in mainly 3 aspects.
(本文內容雖發生於2015年4月9日, 但因需時翻譯所以刊登日期稍晚, 請見諒)
現在來到了有點麻煩的地方, 不過即便如此, 對於一個(預期)以後會成長為國際大企業的公司而言, 倒也不是什麼大問題吧
只不過, 實在是不想在這種沒有生產力的事情上耗費時間啊XD
為了讓自己的創業點子成為具體的事業, 並且是成為一個能創造出價值的事業, 我目前主要分三個方面在進行
今日話したいのは最も少額で広く配られている起業助成金:Start up grantだ。
There are various kinds of funds available for start-ups in Finland.
Today I would like to talk about one of the most general and widely used funding: Start-up grant.
In Finnish, it’s written “Starttiraha”, which means the money for starting.
This funding is provided by the Ministry of Employment and the Economy of Finnish government. If the application is approved, the start-up firm can receive around 1,000~1,600 euros (before tax) every month for at least 6 months. There is also possibility to elongate it to as long as 18 months.
而我今天所要提的是在芬蘭最普遍的創業補助金之一, 叫做Start up grant
在芬蘭語叫做「Starttiraha」, 意思就是「開始的錢」
出錢的是芬蘭中央政府的雇用與經濟部, 申請通過的話每個月可以領取1,000歐元長達六個月, 依據條件甚至可以領到每月最多1,600歐元, 最長一年半 (不過需要另行扣稅)