Monthly Archives: 5月 2015

芬蘭創業經驗 核心競爭力與潛在顧客開發(2)


我所打算開始的市場行銷服務主要是基於語言能力文化理解程度跟一般性的市場行銷經驗, 實際上各種所要提供的市場行銷服務項目都是第一次做


正因此, 我必須花足夠的時間去摸索, 除件的了解與習慣各項服務內容的實際操作與程序

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A foreigner entrepreneur in Finland: Business capacity and customer development (2)

The other part of my major work is practical operation and accumulation of know-hows.

In my business, the strength is based on language ability, cultural knowledge and general marketing experience. Actually, most of the services I’m gonna provide are the first time for me to try.

As a result, I’m not familiar with any of them.

Then, what all I have to do is simply try to do them, one by one and carefully.

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フィンランド起業経験 ビジネスキャパシティと顧客開発(2)





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芬蘭創業經驗 核心競爭力與潛在顧客開發(1)

在前文「芬蘭創業經驗 創業補助金的繁雜手續(1) 」曾經提到目前在創業的工作上主要在推進的三個部分


這兩個部分是在我的創業中很關鍵的部分, 重要性遠比申請補助金或是登記公司還高



嚴格說來可以再細分為兩個環節, 一個是資訊與知識的吸收, 另一個是實際的操作與運用

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A foreigner entrepreneur in Finland: Business capacity and customer development (1)

In one of the previous articles “A foreigner entrepreneur in Finland: Start-up grant application and troublesome process (1)”, I had introduced 3 of the most important aspects I’m doing for starting my business.

Today I would like to talk about the parts of building business capacity and developing customers.

And these parts are actually the most important ones in all the tasks for my business.

First is building business capacity.

This is to build the core competency of my business.

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フィンランド起業経験 ビジネスキャパシティと顧客開発(1)

前回の「フィンランド起業経験 起業助成金の手間(1)」で今起業関連で主にやっている三つのことを簡単に紹介した。




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芬蘭創業經驗 創業補助金的繁雜手續(4)


這次是之後的發展, 究竟這個補助金的申請之旅會延續到什麼時候呢?

申請完剛好過了一個禮拜, 有短訊寄到手機裡, 寫說你的身分證好了請來警察局拿, 然後去拿了身分證之後, 就直接去銀行預約申請網路銀行的會面時間, 剛好當時的下一週不在, 就預約了兩週後的時間

上個禮拜去了之後, 沒想到當天就可以開始使用網路銀行!!對於過去對芬蘭的銀行有著太多負面經驗的我而言實在是有點吃驚

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フィンランド起業経験 起業助成金の手間(4)





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A foreigner entrepreneur in Finland: Start-up grant application and troublesome process (4)

Last time I wrote about the application of Finnish ID card.

This time I’ll continue the story. When will this application trip end…?

After sending out the application for 1 week, a short text message came to my cell phone and said that my ID card is ready. I got my Finnish ID card at the police station.

I went to the bank on the same day to book an appointment for application of internet banking service. I got an appointment 2 weeks later since I had a trip in the following week.

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芬蘭 Jyvaskyla 生活資訊:運動 芬蘭人

在運動方面, 學校的健身房是不用錢的(只有平日有開)

在市立體育館(Hipposhalli或Monitoimitalo)打羽毛球的話, 學生是一個場一個小時3歐元, 因為便宜而且不受天候與季節的影響, 所以定期每個禮拜都會打

我也打網球, 但是在大學的免費場地因為是室外場, 所以只有四月底到十一月中左右可以打, 如果是私立室內網球場的話一面場一個小時就要20歐元(這還是學生價), 實在負擔不起

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フィンランド ユバスキュラー 生活情報:運動、フィンランド人




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Finland Jyvaskyla Local Information: Sports, Finnish People

About sports in Jyvaskyla, if you use the gym in the university, it’s free (opens only on weekdays).

I play badminton weekly at public gymnastic hall, called Hipposhalli and Monitoimitalo, since it’s as cheap as 3 euros for one court and an hour for students and you can do it no matter how bad the weather is or how cold the temperature is outside.

I also like tennis very much, but the free courts in the university are outdoors which can be used only from the end of spring (end of April) to beginning of fall (beginning of November). A private indoors court cost around 20 euros an hour (this is student price!), which is too much for me.

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芬蘭 Jyvaskyla 生活資訊:學生會(Student Union) 飲食 娛樂

整體而言, 加入學生會是很重要的

跟台灣或日本有所不同, 在這裡不是入了學就會有人給你學生證

在芬蘭就算入了學, 不加入學生會就沒有學生證, 嚴格來說需要的是讓學生證產生效力的學生會貼紙, 一年大概支付100歐元就可以加入學生會, 把貼紙貼在學生證上就可以用了

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フィンランド ユバスキュラー 生活情報:学生会(Student Union)、食事、娯楽




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Finland Jyvaskyla Local Information: Student Union, Food, Entertainment

It’s quite important to join Student Union overall.

It’s different from Japan or Taiwan where every student would receive his/her own student card from the university naturally, but in Finland if you don’t pay to join Student Union, you won’t get your student card.

More precisely speaking, you need to pay around 100 euros every year in order to get a sticker to prove that you are in the Student Union. You stick the sticker on your student card to use it.

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