Monthly Archives: 2月 2014


養育, 保護, 過度保護, 独立之間的平衡永遠都是為人父母的難題之ㄧ

即便已經是15年前的事, 至今依然記憶清晰.

當時我是個高二的學生, 每天上下學都是所謂的家長接送, 我家離學校並不近, 騎機車也要的二,三十分, 而我的老媽往往都很忙, 忙著拖地洗衣, 幾乎每次我都得在校門口等上三十分或是一個小時, 一周要補兩次習, 他就得一天往返兩次.

我也覺得她這樣很累而且很沒有效率, 於是我提議讓我騎腳踏車上學, 畢竟我已經17歲了. 但是她直接拒絕了, 理由是太危險了. 然後我升上高三18歲了, 這次我說我已經達到騎機車的法定年齡了, 她也說不行, 當我大二要學開車時, 她也說不行.



因為危險所以不希望讓孩子冒險的心情到了我現在三十出頭的年齡, 我也能夠體會. 但是我仍然不覺得這樣是對小孩子最好的教育方式.

所謂的教育, 是教導孩子自己判斷危險的程度, 並且懂得自己去迴避. 當然在孩子還無法自己判斷的時候是需要大人幫一把的.

結果呢, 我高三的時候沒經過老媽的同意, 跟朋友借了機車就自己去考了駕照, 大四的時候也沒跟老媽說, 自己去報駕訓班, 自己去考駕照.

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The issue among education, protection, over protection and independence is always the controversial issue for parents.

I still remember clearly that it was the second year in my senior high school life. 15 years ago…

I always commuted by being sent and picked up by my mother, and I still appreciate that now. However, she was always busy and it was very common to wait for 30 to 60 minutes until her coming.

I proposed to her that I can ride bicycle to commute even it take 40 minutes one way to the school. She refused, with the reason of being dangerous. The same situation happened again and again.

While I was the third year student in senior high school, I was refused to ride a scooter. While I was in the second year in university, I was refused to drive a car.

Is this really good for a child?


I can fully understand the reasons of keeping children away from danger, especially in the age of 30s now, but I never believe protection is the only way and always the best way to education children.

It is much much important to teach children how the recognize how dangerous the situation is and how to decrease the risk reasonably, which is far more helpful for the rest lives of children as well. Certainly, adults need to help children for specific estimation in some difficult situations while they are not matured yet.

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對於苦難的故事, 我總是有著更多的期待.

因為, 會被邀請來這些大場面演講的人, 往往都是成功人士, 不是有錢有權, 擁有大公司, 就是有極高知名度眾所皆知. 因此對於志在創業但渺小至極的我而言, 所想聽到的便不是他們有多成功有多厲害, 而是當年他們有多辛苦而且怎樣的努力去突破當時的困境.

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以一個念了哈佛MBA然後被投資家賞識支持而創業的人(岩瀨社長)而言, 基本上就是一個頗為優秀的人.

但是即便是如此優秀的人也遭遇了困境. 在公司設立的初期, 完全沒有客戶!

在岩瀨社長的計畫之中, 在集資的頭兩年便已經在為收集客戶舖路了, 所以理所當然地一從政府拿到營業執照之後應該馬上就大賣特賣才對.

但是事與願違, 初期的時候每天都只有小鳥幾隻的保險訂單, 極為慘澹.

他們嘗試了各種的廣告, 包括一般東京的通勤電車跟新幹線的車廂廣告, 報紙或雜誌的平面廣告, 網路入口網站的廣告, 甚至舉辦了多次保險說明會等等, 但效果都十分的有限.

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President Daisuke Iwase’s difficult time

I am always interested in the stories of difficulties.

The reason is that the speakers invited in this kind of big event have usually been very successful. They are well-known because of their big-name company, famous academic or career background. However, as a young entrepreneur, the most important thing for me is to know how these people overcome the difficulties in the initial period of time in their business.

Glacier 2

Since there is no doubts how smart President Iwase is (who graduated from Harvard Business School), the difficulties President Iwase met become extremely attractive to me.

The impressive talk was that his company could not obtain new contracts of insurance as many as expected at the beginning of the business.

His team tried anything they can do, such as putting advertisement in the local trains, high speed railway trains, newspapers, magazines, internet advertisement or even holding local seminars, but they were all very ineffective.

Because that almost half of the staffs in his company were for dealing with new insurance contracts, they were basically free all day and tended to talk a lot about their negative feeling of their company.

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