Monthly Archives: 5月 2015

芬蘭 Jyvaskyla 生活資訊:交通費 醫療費

在交通費的部分, 我不管是零下20度還是30度都是全年每天騎腳踏車, 所以原則上在交通上並沒有固定花費, 除了一開始買二手的腳踏車花了60歐元 (這還幾乎是這城裡最便宜的水準!!), 另外還有爆胎花了20歐元修理(換的還不是新胎, 是二手胎!!), 所以在這裡十個月的交通費就是這80歐元, 換算一個月就是8歐元

冬天的時候大概有七成到八成的人會放棄腳踏車改搭公車或是走路, 公車的話學生月票是40歐元, 從我住的Roninmaki到是中心大約4公里, 公車約需15分鐘(騎腳踏車也是15分鐘), 另外也有少數人有自己的汽車, 聽說一個月的稅金跟油錢大概是100到300歐元不等

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フィンランド ユバスキュラー 生活情報:交通費、医療費



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Finland Jyvaskyla Local Information: Local transportation, medical treatment

In the aspect of local transportation, I always ride bicycle through the whole year no matter it’s -20 or 30 degrees C outside, so the fixed monthly transportation is basically zero for me. The only costs were the 60 euros used to by a second-hand bike, which is actually very expansive for me (a NEW bike is only 40 euros in Tokyo!), but 50 euros was even the lowest price I can find here, and 20 euros to repair the blowout of my tire (and this is actually to exchange with a second-hand tire!!). Therefore, the total commuting fee was 80 euros for the past 10 months, which can be calculated to be 8 euros per month.

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