A foreigner entrepreneur in Finland: Company registration (5)

By | 2015/06/18

Then, here comes the dramatic part.

In the meeting, the start-up grant manager was thinking of several issues.

“You are a student, right? How do you plan to study while doing this job?”

Since there is a rule that start-up grant can only be provided to “full-time” entrepreneurs but not students, I answered like this:

“Now I have finished my first year study in master’s degree program, and I plan to separate the workload of study to a longer time, so that I can work as an entrepreneur full-timely.”


Well, I’ll do it like this anyway.

It sounds OK to him, and here is his second question.

“Student residence permit only allows working hours up to 25 hours per week. Don’t you need to get a work residence permit?”

Oh….ya….I do remember some limitation like this…..

The business consultant asked police station who is in charge of residence permit through email for this question.

The answer was “yes, a self-employed residence permit is necessary to be a full-time entrepreneur in Finland.”



In this case, all plans to start my own business will be largely postponed!!

The order of the process will be (1) application for self-employed residence permit (could take up to 6 months), (2) application for start-up grant, and (3) company registration.

I felt I fell into an endless black hole…

The business consultant nicely advised me not to apply for self-employed residence permit yet and go to police station to explain your situation and confirm again tomorrow.

I went to police station right on the next morning.

Wow!!! WHAT!!!

I can register for my company with my current student residence permit!!



The service person at police station explained that actually registration of a company is the requisition for application of self-employed residence permit.

In this condition, the process would be (1) application for start-up grant, (2) registration of my company, (3) application for self-employed residence permit, which will not postpone my original plan to start my business!

Except the issue of residence permit, the business consultant also advised me that accounting service will help me even though I won’t be in Finland between 1st June and 16th July.

All of these are just great!!

And today, 1st June it seems the permission of my start-up grant may have been unofficially done, so I got a message that I’m allowed to proceed to company registration.

Finally, I can start to register my limited company!

I hope I can find a good accountant and everything will be fine in company registration.


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