Dream of studying in Europe is…

By | 2014/04/11


Far worse than expectation.

I got rejections from the 2 Swedish universities as well.

Lund University
KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Goodbye, Sweden.

It’s a tremendous shock.

Now I got 4 rejections out of 6 schools.

The rest 2 are Tromso University located inside arctic circle in northern Norway and University of Jyvaskyla at the central south of Finland.

I had handed out the essay with more than 2,000 words for 7 questions to Tromso University and completed the Skype interview with University of Jyvaskyla.

Both of them were not really good.

The essay was written at midnight and the interview was not really answered with satisfied answers.

I feel I gonna fail again.

Night of Christchurch

But there’s still one more chance!

University of Luxembourg.

They still accept applications now!

Or I’ll have almost no chances!

I guess I gonna think about other ways for my future…

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