Facebook marketing seminar

By | 2014/04/12

A seminar at Shibuya Tokyo yesterday night.

70 people attended fitted the room to 70%.
90% male and age from 30s to 60s, which ranged wider than I expected!

It’s held by a company called Value Creation and the speaker is called Takuya Honma.

The company is developing a business of providing Facebook related services, including event announcement on Facebook, efficient advertisement on Facebook, building fan pages and building application program on fan pages.

In other words, they are doing business to apply their know-how of Facebook and programming strength under Facebook.

Here are some points from this seminar.

(1) Media is diversifying.

The importance of Existing TV, newspaper or magazines is decreasing. People’ time is being transferred to social network services and internet.

(2) Features of Facebook advertisement

All inputed personal information, including birthday, address, academic and professional experience, becomes part of the tools for Facebook to do advertisement targeting.

(3) Facebook fan page tool

Purpose: communication tool
Developing aim: what is the core concept?
Final aim: conversion

“Passage that brings sympathy” is the best content.

(4) Fan page application program

Show an photo with attractive question on the fan page. Make users press the like bottom to know the answer. Then, with the pressed like, the user became a fan of your fan page.

For one example, one company produced a champagne to give presents to people on Facebook and provided several kinds of presents for people to choose, but limited the time for choosing present to be 10 seconds.

People visiting this page will be forced to choose presents and move forward by time limitation, which increase the reaching rate of becoming fans.

Besides, even the time runs out, people still can have another chance to choose presents just by sharing the fan page on their Facebook.

For other examples, a game application of diagnosing local features in Japan obtained 300,000 fans. A previous generation estimation game got 60,000 fans. A type of rich people diagnosing game brought 15,000 fans.

・Conditions of advertisement that brings good response

Well targeted
Funny and making people share


(5) Others

There are some others ways to utilize Facebook data by combining data from websites.

It’s possible to approach those Facebook users who ever visited specific websites, even approach the friends of the visited users.

It’s also possible to check the personal Facebook data and approach those users who have specific features that tend to purchase specific products.

My personal feeling to this seminar is “hmmm.” Not really meaningful or useful, even practical.

The speaker did provide some methods for business managers to expand their sales, but all the methods are related to his company’s services, which means to start is to spend money.

As a short seminar, I believe it’ll be better to have a structure including half that everyone can start and try easily with extremely low cost and the other half related to the advanced services they provide.

See article in English list here

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