Keep a margin in your heart

By | 2014/03/24

Having a margin in heart in your life is important.

To have some time with nothing in your head.
To have some time watching others.
To have some time for your hobbies.

Of course, to have some time does not mean to be free all day.

Entrepreneurs are always busy.

Buying envelopes, booking a restaurant, calling related people, making the schedule for next week, building a 10-year plan for the future all by one’s self.

Extremely busy!


Even through, if you cannot hold the priority to all tasks, it may be common to finish a day busily and exhaustedly without knowing what had been done today.

And when this is noticed, things may just become too late.

Therefore, it is necessary to make some free time every week to refresh, to think nothing, to just sit and rest.

Sometimes, new ideas come out from here.

Making some time to see people on the street so that you can have the chance to know what is happening in this world and have the chance to consider your life again as well.

Making some time for you hobbies so that you can color your life and fulfill your life with fun.

Then you can have a balanced business and life.


Some people may believe it indispensable to work hard till midnight every day even sacrificing sleep to grow your business and raise yourself.

However, I believe people success in different ways.

Some benefits come from working crazily hard, but others come from making some time for your own heart.

At last, please never misunderstand that making some margin for your heart is to be a couch potato and watch TV for 5 hours…haha…

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