My first case: Cute Space Bosses

By | 2015/07/26
Company registration is done. Now it's time to get some results from the business.

I heard a word several years ago.

"An entrepreneur that can't get profits is nothing."

I think so as well.

No matter how great the dream the entrepreneur has, or how famous the sponsor is, without achievement/profits, the entrepreneur means nothing to the world.

I'm no exception. Get the number. Create value. These are everything I need to do. This time I got my first case. Simply speaking, my job is to sell game apps produced in Finland to Japan. My first case is this game: 「Cute Space Bosses11714487_10153403464417103_1811509211_n Although this is just a mini game, it's a real Japanese version. Besides, all marketing plans were executed without spending a cent of money. The result from pre-launch registration is not as good as expected, but I learned a lot from the process. I believe I can do better in the next case. If you have some free time, please try this game.
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