Refunding income tax from money of ending Kosei pension insurance

By | 2016/01/28

I got returned money from ending Kosei Pension Insurance at the end of 2014 and I started tax refunding procedure in 2015.

By the way, the effective period for applying for refunding tax is 5 years.

Only 3 documents are needed for the whole application.

・Document for tax notification(確定申告書)

・Letter of notification of returned money payment(original paper, not copy)( 脱退一時金支給決定通知書原本)

・Paper of your tax manager registration.(納税管理人届出書)

Document for tax notification usually gives people an image that is very difficult to understand and produce.

However, this one is quite easy!!

Just 15 minutes in total!!

(1)Go to the website of National Tax Office and click “Special information for tax notification”(確定申告特集)

(2)Then click “Produce document for tax notification on PC”(パソコンで申告書等を作成される方)

(3)Click “Start to produce document of tax notification, financial sheet and details”(申告書・決算書 収支内訳等 作成開始)


(4)Click “Submit by paper”(書面提出)

(5)Check your PC environment and click “Preparation done, next”(事前準備終了 次へ)

(6)Click “Corner for producing document of notification of income and earthquake rebuilding tax”(所得税及び復興特別税の確定申告書作成コーナー)

(7)Since it’s retirement or job ending income, click the middle one “none of those in the left”(左記に該当しない方の申告書作成へ)

(8)Choose “Print document and submit to tax office”(確定申告書等を印刷して税務署に提出する). Since it’s not Blue form of tax notification(青色申告), don’t check the one for Blue form. Enter your birthday and click “next”(入力終了(次へ)).

(9)The screen shows the page for entering various types of income. Click “input” (入力する) of “income of retirement or ending a job”(退職所得) at the lower part of the page.

(10)Choose “3rd rule of law 201″(法第201条第3項適用分) for category (区分).

Enter the “payment number” (支給額) on your letter of payment notification into “payment amount” (支払金額) on the screen.

In the part of “Income tax amount” (源泉徴収税額), enter the tax number (所得税額及び復興特別税額) written on the payment notification letter (支払い決定通知書) into the orange color part and leave the grey part empty (内(   円)).

Enter the date you started your job into “Job starting date”(就職年月日) and enter the date of your last day in your job into “Job ending day”(退職年月日)

“Total working years”(勤続年数) is calculated by yourself. If you worked 5 years, enter 5. If you worked 5 years and 4 months, enter 6.

If your total working years are fewer than 20 years, the tax deduction amount is “working years” * 400,000 yen.

It was 6 * 400,000 yen = 2,400,000 yen in my case.

Then about payer information, enter “日本年金機構” for the payer and enter “東京都杉並区高井戸西3-5-24” for the address of the payer.

Click “Finish and next” (入力終了(次へ))

Please be noted that if the numbers in this page is not correct, you cannot go to next page, especially the “支払金額”, “源泉徴収税額”, “勤続年数”, “退職所得控除額”.


(11)It returns back to the screen of a list of different incomes (収入金額・所得金額入力). Click “Finish, next” (入力終了(次へ))

(12)The page becomes the one for entering income tax deduction (所得控除入力). Don’t enter anything and click “Finish, next” (入力終了(次へ))

(13) The page becomes the one for entering other tax deduction (税額控除・その他の項目の入力). Don’t enter anything and click “Finish, next” (入力終了(次へ))

(14)The page shows the amount of tax refunding (計算結果確認). Confirm the number and click “Next” (次へ).

(15)The page asks you to enter resident tax (住民税等入力). Don’t enter anything and click “Finish, next” (入力終了(次へ))

(16)At the end, it’s a page to enter your information. Enter your latest address in Japan for “Current address” (現在の住所). Make “the address on 1st January Heisei 27 year” to be the same to your latest address inJapan. Choose the local tax office of your latest address in Japan.

Enter your name and other information.

Enter bank account information. Only Japanese bank account is applicable. Use your own Japanese bank account or the bank account of your tax manager (registered before) in Japan. Then ask your tax manager to transfer the money to you after he/she received the money.

(17)The document is ready!! Click “document and print” (帳票・印刷) to open the PFD file and print it (print it out or print it to be PDF file) Note: if you just directly save the original PDF file, it’s not able to be printed!

The second document is Paper of your tax manager registration.(納税管理人届出書)

However, I sent the original paper to local tax office and I didn’t have copy or scanned file.

I called my local tax office to ask how I can do. They answered that I can just write down generational information of my tax manager on the document of tax notification.

So I decided to write the personal information (full name, address, birthday and phone number) on a paper and attached it together.

Then together with these 3 documents (申告書, 支給決定通知書, 納税管理人届出記入内容一枚), I sent them directly to my local tax office in Japan from Finland.

I sent it on 2nd December 2015 and it arrived at Ichikawa Tax Office (China) in a week.

The tax returning money was sent to my account in Japan on 21st December 2015!

So don’t let others (or agencies) charge you for this! You can do it easily by yourself!

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2 thoughts on “Refunding income tax from money of ending Kosei pension insurance

  1. James

    This is very useful. definitely going to use this. Thank you very much for explaining in detail.

    1. Ken Cheng Post author

      Thank you very much! I believe many foreigners need this and there is no need to spend money to ask an agency to do it for you!
      Welcome to leave any questions here. I will be happy to answer!


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