The top 5 regrets of the dying (1)

By | 2015/03/15

There are 2 kinds of regrets.

One is you spent all your life without knowing what you really want to do. What do you really like? What do you do while feeling truly happy? What do you hope for? While you don’t know the answers for these questions and choose a path recommended by others or a path in the mainstream in the society as an easier way to do and avoid paying efforts to find what you really want, you regret for ending your life without knowing what you really want.

The other one is you know what to do but you don’t have enough courage to step out your original track to try (or the reality in the situation didn’t allow you to do it), and regret later in your life.

It’s very difficult. Truly.


Yeah, very difficult. No matter it’s about looking for what you really want to do or about turning down the expectation from people around you, they are all not easy.

But you need to ask yourself that if you had tried your best and if you had done everything you can do.

If the answer is “no”, then you still have chances even right now while you are reading this article.

After all of these, there are 2 more things for you to remember.


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2 thoughts on “The top 5 regrets of the dying (1)

  1. 許小芬

    The most regretful thing until now in my life is that I was not ready to say goodbye with my dearest father(liver cancer) in life-ending institution when I was only 26 years old.

  2. tei Post author

    Sorry that I didn’t notice your comment. Wow, that must be a very bad time for you. But I believe you must know more than others about how to live without leaving regrets in the future.


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