Why? How? A highly ranked country, Finland. (1) Corruption Perceptions Index

By | 2014/07/05

As a person who was born and raised in Taiwan for 24 years and stayed in Japan for 8 years, a country that owns so many high rank indexes is very unbelievable.

Corruption Perceptions Index 2013

(1) Denmark
(2) New Zealand
(3) Finland and Sweden
(4) Norway


(12) Germany
(14) UK
(18) Japan
(19) USA
(22) Fance
(36) Taiwan
(46) South Korea


(80) China
(94) India
(175) Somalia (the last)

The methodology is opened on the website, which is to integrated 13 different reports published from institutes located in different countries and find out the transparency relevant description or data to quantify.

The 13 reports include the competitiveness ranking published by IMD of Switzerland or policy validation data from World Bank, etc.

Efficient way to use tax.
Long-term insight of government operation.
Reliable politicians.
People who think it reasonable to pay tax.


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