A foreigner entrepreneur in Finland: Start-up grant application and troublesome process (5) Disclosure of the amount and details of the money!!

By | 2015/12/15

Continuing from the previous story: A foreigner entrepreneur in Finland: Start-up grant application and troublesome process (4).

Finally, this story is heading the end.

While looking back to the start, it has been 9 months ago.

At that time, I simply thought it’s nothing more but submitting the document to TE office (economic department of government).

I submitted the document but no any response for a month from that.

I decided to do online submission so that I can follow the process by myself, but it took me 2 months to prepare all necessary documents.

Then I happened to know a business coach through a friend who was attending a course about entrepreneurship. I was lucky that I got advice and a letter of recommendation for startup grant from her.

Furthermore, she introduced me the officer in charge of startup grant in a meeting.


Then, I went through the necessary process. I registered my company in June, applied self-employed resident permit in August and got approval of the permit at the beginning of November.

As advised by the business coach, I sent the PDF of approval of resident permit to the officer in charge of startup grant by email.

After a couple of days, I got a call directly from the startup grant officer.

“The tax certificate you submitted has expired now. Please send me the latest one. Also please send me the latest financial sheets of your company. Then we’ll make the decision.”, he said.

I just has these documents and their fresh PDF files in my folder due to the visa application process just 2 weeks ago, so I sent the both PDF files to the officer on the same day.



The letter of approval of startup grant came in a week!!

After 9 months, finally!


Here are the details of the startup grant.

The base amount of startup grant is 32 euros per day in 2015.

Due to the industry or the necessity of the company, an additional amount from 0% to 60% of the base will be added.

In my case, it was 30%, so in total, it’s 42 euros per day.

It only counts weekdays, so I’ll receive 42 euros per day and 22 days per month for 6 months.

In total, it will be around 5,500 euros.

By the way, this money will be taxed as income tax.

Although it’s not such a huge money, it’s still great public support for an entrepreneur.

So far I’ve spent lots of money, including 1,500 euros for making a marketing contract template, 400 euros to register a limited company, 900 euros for trademark registration application, 1,800 euros for entrepreneur pension insurance and monthly accounting service for 100 euros per month.

I had had to spend such lots of money even without stepping out for the business!

Therefore, you may also be able to understand how big such a small money from Finnish government could be.

OK! Now I got the grant ready. It’s time to work fully for my business!!

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