After 3 weeks of Finnish language lessons (1)

By | 2014/08/31

Time flies.

Finnish course has been 3 weeks.

And the exams come in next week…

The style and techniques used in this Finnish class in these 3 weeks were not much different from the first 3 days.

The principle is to learn what we need to use in our daily life with some grammars.

“Learn what you can use every day!” is the core axis of these lessons.

For example, making shopping list in Finnish, taking photos of signs on street with discussion of the meaning in classroom or playing games of telling others the direction of a road in Finnish were the contents.


I would like to have some more detailed explanation of songs, games and homeworks.

Many Finnish songs were utilized in my Finnish class.

The first song is “Hyvää yötä ya huomenta”, which means ”Good night and good morning”. The teacher play the song from Youtube to let students listen to. As the song used in the 3rd day of this class, I can catch no any words from this song but the word of “yötä” meaning “night” and “huomenta” meaning “morning”.

Listening to a song where almost nothing you can catch is theoretically very inefficient way for students to learn new words. However, by listening to a beautiful song in a new language, no one would be tired of or hate to learn this new language. Without stress of memorizing, students feel easier to continue this new language tomorrow.


The second song used is ”Missä muruseni on”, which means ”Where is my lover?”. This time we tried to find out some familiar words from the lyrics. I only knew very few words, but I felt I want to know more meaning of the lyrics and the song because I liked this song. I tried to look up some new words in the dictionary. Even though we were not trying to memorizing, only looking at the new words did be the first step of my memorization. And this could be a kind of important step of learning a new language.

And today, we listened to 4 songs. Before the songs, we tried to list up some adjective words with contrast meanings, such as tall and short, beautiful and ugly, delicious and bad tasted, long and short, etc. Then we listened to 4 songs and gave scores and adjective words to these songs based on our feelings.

We practiced to use more adjective words. That is funny and easier to remember!

YES! Use the words! Not just memorize!

Many games were played, too.


See article in English list here

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