Driving power, capacity and wave of personal energy (2)

By | 2015/03/19

(2) 80% principle

Everyone wants what they produced to be recognized as valuable. Everyone wants what they did to be perfect.

However, there is something you need to know first, which is how you use time does matter.

If we define the subjective perfectness of the products or documents you made with a range from 0% to 100% (0% is nothing done and 100% means subjectively perfect), do you really think the time you used to work for your products is proportional to the perfectness of your product? For example, if you think you need 1 hour to achieve 50% perfectness of your product, will it simply be 2 hours needed to achieve 100% perfectness?


I believe the answer is “No” in most cases.

Why? That’s because the time needed to increase perfectness is not proportional to the completeness.

While the perfectness of your products increased, the time needed to raise perfectness will increase more.

In another word, the time needed to make the perfectness of a product increase from 0% to 80% may not differ a lot from the time needed to make the perfectness of a product increase from 80% to 100%.

The way to increase efficiency is “go to ask for feedbacks while you haven’t spent too much time on it (the perfectness is not high) yet.”


If you go to ask for feedbacks for your uncompleted product with perfectness of 50% or 80%, you can have an earlier chance to modify your products, which may potentially help you avoid unnecessary redo work when what you did didn’t match what is required.

Anyone who may know what you’re doing can give you feedbacks, including your boss, colleagues, your family or your friends.

Asking relevant people for feedbacks earlier helps you avoid wasting unnecessary time in working for raising perfectness from 80% to 100% without knowing the objective perfectness of your product.

For instance, to accomplish a product with subjective 100% perfectness is expected to take 8 hours. If you ask for feedbacks after worked for 4 hours with 60% or 70% subjective perfectness, you can make sure that what you’re working is toward objective perfectness. If you got feedbacks that show your products are not matching what is requested, you may be able to modify them without undo everything.

The more time needed for a work, the more frequent you should ask for feedbacks.


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