Employee and Entrepreneur

By | 2014/03/12

Then, I came to Japan.
Living in my dream.
So happy in everyday life.

2 years passed, student life finished and I started to work.

I tried to know more about Japanese culture. That’s why I choose Japanese company at that time.

Work was so different to me because it was my first job.

I had lots of things to learn, such as the manner of giving name card, how to read financial data, how to make proposal to customers and to internal meetings, the points in commercial meetings and the communication between team members, etc.

Time flies and 3 years passed.

I was aware of something.


“I understood that even I was free and had high responsibility in my work, but my work is limited to a very small range”

Yes, inside the range of one’s work, you can have your own plan, your own decision and you can move things freely.

However, it is nothing more but inside a very small range.

If you step out of your own range, you will be punished seriously.

Besides, in a regular Japanese company, even though you produce 20~30% growth rate in a business, they only raise your salary for 3% (not me, but an example).

I understand that this is kind of Japanese culture. They hope people be as equal as possible, so they don’t want to pay some specific employee higher salary. Instead of paying higher, they usually promise the employment for the whole life.

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