Entrepreneur support system in Finland (1) Jyväskylän Yritystehdas

By | 2015/03/28

As I wrote previously in “The direction of my business (2)”, the approximate direction of my business was getting clear gradually now and I have been collecting information and verifying the effectiveness of my business model so far. Therefore, I’m thinking of registering my company to make it ready for running business.

Then, what came to my mind was a small speaking lecture I attended last year here in Finland. The organization which held this speaking lecture is called “Jyväskylän Yritystehdas”.


Jyväskylä is the name of the city where I’m living and Yritystehdas means “Entrepreneur factory” in Finnish. So Jyväskylän Yritystehdas is actually an organization which helps and supports entrepreneurs in this city.

I believe this kind of organizations also exist in other countries. Some belongs to local or central government, some are NPOs and some others may be consultants. Most of them provide entrepreneurs or new ventures relevant information, training or advises for free.

Since it’s free to meet and talk to the consultants in Jyväskylän Yritystehdas as well and I would like to know some specific information such as “how to register a company”, “how to get start-up grants” and “information of local game companies”, I sent a mail for an appointment.

Then, I went there yesterday.

Yeah, I felt it good and helpful.


He checked the business plan I sent a couple of days ago and gave me some advises about the price and how to build human network.

He also provided me some information about start-up grants and he promised to ask some local game companies to see if they need some help from my services.

Besides, he agreed with my business direction to establish initial reference with my services through providing low prices as well and he recommended me start giving out my name cards to build up network here.

Since this is the first meeting with Jyväskylän Yritystehdas and I can’t feel the effectiveness yet, I believe it important to utilize this organization as a hub to the local community to expand my business and gather information through this organization.

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