Education of Finland (3)

By | 2014/05/05

And the last, (5) High-quality teachers and (6) high freedom for teachers to decide their own contents and style of education are the most interesting parts.

Firstly, the social status of teachers is very high and well respected in Finland.

It’s usually doctors or lawyers in Japan, but not in Finland.

It’s very difficult to become a teacher in Finland. At least a master’s degree is required and it’s very competitive to pass the exams.

Furthermore, the teachers have high power to decide what kind of education they want to do for the children.

This is the point.


The national government doesn’t limit how and what a teacher should teach their students to the details.

As the evidence, Finland government published educational indication with 800 pages in 1972, but it decreased to 300 pages in 1985 and continued to 100 pages in 1994.

Even the financial power of education belongs to local government.

What it means is people in a local town can discuss directly with their local government and teachers to decide what and how to educate their own children.

The whole area can attend the process of building better education.



Even it looks so easy and loose for children from view of Japan and maybe make Japanese parents feel that this kind of education will make their children learn nothing, but this education style may just also be one of the important reasons why a country without much natural resource can push the GDP per capital to the 14th position in the world.

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