World ICT Summit: Big data and Entrepreneurship(1)

By | 2014/06/18

World ICT Summit
@ Nikkei hall on 10th June 2014

This event was held by the newspaper giant Nikkei and the Japanese government Ministry of Internal Administration and Communication.

The media giant and Japanese government made it to invite many IT CEOs here.

  • CEO of Japan IBM
  • President of NTT Data.
  • President of Fujitsu
  • President of Intel
  • President of Google Asia Pacific
  • CEO of Rakuten
  • President of Japan Microsoft

What an amazing list of speakers!!


Although the program lasted for 2 days, I can only attend the morning session on the second day through drawing since there were too many attenders.

By coincidence, some of the sessions I attended are highly related to “starting new business”, which is greatly matched to me.

I took notes of these speeches.

The first speaker is CTO of NOKIA who talked about the potential and new challenge of/for big data.

Innovating toward the next big thing: Cognitive world
Hossein Moiin, CTO NOKIA

Use big data to make network from reactive to proactive

Big data network development

  • Real-time handling and insightfulness
    • Prediction and learning
    • Complicated pattern matching
    • Automation
  • Operation efficiency
    • Real time analytics and decision making
    • Precise marketing
    • Innovative business models
    • Customer experience enhancement


The second speaker is CEO of Sony Mobile Communications, Kunimasa Suzuki, with topic of “Strategy of Sony’s SmartWear”

  • 4 major long-term factors as the basis for their future strategy
    • The usage of electronic devices in younger and older generation is increasing amazingly.
    • Changes of the role of genders in future society.
    • Redistribution of population from city to urban.
    • High economic growth in Asia and Africa.
  • Context Aware
    • Digitalize people’ lives
    • Utilize the current technologies of sensing and analyzing
    • Digitalizing movement, speed, sport, physiological function or 5 types of feeling to provide beneficial information


See article in English list here

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