A foreigner entrepreneur in Finland: Company registration (4)

By | 2015/06/17

Then the third part of this long story started on 27th May.

It was a dramatic, short-time, but highly tensed story.

This story started from a senior Japanese student who is also one of my friends in Jyvaskyla.

She had married with a Fin, and she now is both a master’s student and a coordinator for travelling TV programs from Japan and a writer who writes articles about Finland for Japanese readers.


She is also considering to start her own business and she started to attend a start-up course for immigrants held by Yritystehdas which is the organization described several times in previous articles.

She also knew that I’m trying to start my own business and it happened that she would have a class about tax and accounting in Finland, so she invited me to attend the class.

Since I want and need to know more about practical things around tax and some available accounting services, I got contact with the lecturer by email to see if I can attend the class.

However, she explained that the class would be more about overview, but not details. So she refused softly.

I then asked if she can introduce some accounting services to me, but she said that I’m not a registered customer in Yritystehdas so she can’t introduce any to me. She asked me to discuss my business plan first as requisition.

I felt quite angry and disappointed with this. I had discussed with 2 business consultants in the same organization where you belong to, and I had submitted application for start-up grant. Why do I still need to discuss my business plan again?


This was a wrong thought when I look back now.

At that time, I feel it worthless to discuss business plan again, but at least I can know one more person in this city. I made an appointment in 2 weeks later on 27th May.

When I went there on the day of appointment, that was amazing!!

She invited the manager in charge of start-up grant to the meeting!

I guess she wanted me to explain my business directly to the manager.

This is powerful! The start-up grant for my business would possibly be decided in this meeting!

This third business consultant from Yritystehdas, she also committed that she will write a recommendation letter to help me get start-up grant and introduce accounting services to me. (I don’t write her name here, but if you want to know, please mail me through this website or leave your comment here)

She is so nice and helps me so much!!!


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