A foreigner entrepreneur in Finland: Start-up grant application and troublesome process (1)

By | 2015/04/20

(The event occurred in this article was on 9th April 2015, but the post was delayed due to translation)

It’s quite troublesome, even though it’s actually not really a big deal for a company that will grow to an international giant in the future.

But I just feel it wasting time doing these paper works that is very unproductive.

Let me start from an overview of the whole story……

In order to create value from my business and to build my own business, I’m pushing forward in mainly 3 aspects.


The first aspect is to establish business capacity. I googled relevant information, digested and absorbed it to transform the information to my knowledge and to allow me to use it to create value for my potential customers. The tasks I’m doing are basically market research, competitor analysis, verification of service effectiveness, or confirmation of practical process in my services.

The second aspect is to develop potential customers. I tried to approach some people and some companies that could potentially become my customers through parties, e-mails or building networks. In details, I proposed my marketing services and discuss with them to start trials for each other, so that I can confirm the effectiveness of my services with real cases and know how the resource and time be consumed and potential troubles as well.


The third aspect is to apply for start-up grant and register my company. It’s just paper work without productivity, but I want to have some financial support and also want to have a registered company for me to run business. That was a simple and clear task for me.

However, I met some troublesome process in this third part and I would like to share some details with you.

As I wrote in ”Entrepreneur support system in Finland (2) Start-up grant”, I wanted to apply for start-up grant.

According to the rules, I can’t register for my company before applying for start-up grant.

As a result, if I can’t send out application for start-up grant as soon as possible, I won’t be able to register my company and my business won’t be ready for operation.

After searching on internet, I understood that there are 2 ways to apply for start-up grant.


See article in English list here

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