The top 5 regrets of the dying (2)

By | 2015/03/16

(2) I wish I hadn’t worked so hard.

There is a saying: life is like playing 5 balls. These 5 balls are family, friend, health, spirit and job. However, 4 balls are like glass balls. Once they fall down on the floor and get broken, they’ll never turn back as they were. Only one ball is rubber, which never get broken no matter how many times you fall it down. This rubber ball is job. If you lost your family, friend, health or spirit, you’ll never get them back again. Only job is the one you can get it back anytime again after it fell down.

What had you sacrificed for your work? Your husband? Your wife or children? Your best friend? Your sleep time? Your meals? Or your favorite hobby?

Many people do sacrifice these without hesitation, don’t they? Or maybe I should say, do you?

Higher priority is given to the instruction to your job team member but not the birthday party of your kid. Appointment with customers is more important than spending time with your wife. You would rather skip a meal just for doing one more task.

Didn’t you lose something by doing these?


Don’t you feel your family is getting away from you? Are you still in contact with your best friends? How is your health condition recently? Are you really happy today?

There are no doubts that the responsibility to job is very important. I would not deny the desire of being recognized by people through achieving goals at job. There is also no need to say that everyone needs to earn for making life.

But the message I want to deliver here is, “Is it necessary to sacrifice those important things just for work?”.

Do you live for work, or do you work for life?

What is the most important thing for you? Why not think about it one more time now?


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