A foreigner entrepreneur in Finland: Business capacity and customer development (1)

By | 2015/05/21

In one of the previous articles “A foreigner entrepreneur in Finland: Start-up grant application and troublesome process (1)”, I had introduced 3 of the most important aspects I’m doing for starting my business.

Today I would like to talk about the parts of building business capacity and developing customers.

And these parts are actually the most important ones in all the tasks for my business.

First is building business capacity.

This is to build the core competency of my business.


Precisely speaking, there are 2 aspects. One is knowledge input and the other is practical operation.

Since I’m doing marketing service as the core product of my business, it’s very important to check and absorb market information regularly and accumulate market knowledge.

By knowing more market information, I can catch the market trend and establish more effective marketing strategies matching the market for my clients.

By knowing more technical know-hows, I can raise the capability to implement strategy with the latest and the most reliable ways.


However, all of these take lots of time and it’s very difficult to see or feel the achievement in a relatively short time.

Since it’s difficult to see the achievement, it’s easy to feel lazy for this work. (yes, it’s me. I’m lazy)

Keep thinking what is valuable for clients and check what is effective. This makes you build business capacity all the way.

Furthermore, only “providing value” is meaningless. The core competency of a business is to provide “higher” value than customers paid.

This is the central concept of building business competency.

I will stick to this and move forward step by step.

The other part of my major work is practical operation and accumulation of know-hows.


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