Study abroad, step by step to the dream(1)

By | 2014/03/08

So tiny, so quite. A single step.

However, by repeating a single step 9 hours a day, 6 days a week, 12 months, things change.

There are 2 most important things on my road to study abroad.

One is to do the research I want to do. The other is to obtain financial support. It is not difficult to check the first one by searching on internet and mailing the researchers. The difficult part is financial support. Not only tuition fee, but also living costs.

Europe and USA are difficult. Difficult in both few seats and less amount. Of course, the usage of universal language, English, also leads to high competition.

Japan differed. Japanese National Scholarship provides 80 seats per year, including tuition fee and living costs for 2 years. Panasonic Scholarship also gives 2 seats and also both tuition fee and living costs, even for 3 years.

I tried Japanese National Scholarship and failed. It is easy to say that the reason is like not enough time for preparing for the exams because of working at a lab at the same time. Nevertheless, it was still a huge impact to me since it is a fantastic dream for me to study abroad.


23 years old. Graduated from college for 2 months. Friends are in well-known graduate schools and waiting for their master’s degrees. The others working in industry looked bright with income.

Nothing left inside me but confusion and anxiety.

Several weeks, I walked around without soul.

Several weeks, I thought of my future.


Then, the decision was to give one more chance, to myself, to my life, to my dream of studying abroad. I decided to take the exams for Panasonic Scholarship next year!

I wanted to get strategies and preparation fully ready because I don’t want to feel regretful if I failed again.

PS: Sky of New Zealand

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