Author Archives: Ken Cheng

芬蘭創業經驗 登記公司(4)

接著是個波濤洶湧的故事, 發生在去銀行的隔天的5月27號星期三


她已經跟芬蘭人結婚, 目前一邊當學生一邊做幫日本的電視節目安排來芬蘭出外景的行程還有隨行口譯的工作, 一邊也在寫文章賣給日本的大型網站當個自由作家

她也剛好開始思考要不要創業, 然後她參加了一個在前文也曾經提到過的創業工廠Yritystehdas所主辦針對移民者所開辦的免費創業基礎課程

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フィンランド起業経験 会社の登記(3)


銀行に会社登記書類一式を持って行った。(このアポは先週に取った)(一式の書類は、会社登記申請書Y1 form: Notification of start up for limited company, appendix form for Y1, personal data form, memorandum of associations, articles of associations)



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芬蘭創業經驗 登記公司(3)


我就把整套文件都帶到了上了禮拜有先預約過的銀行(一整套文件包括公司登記申請書Y1 form: Notification of start up for limited company, 申請書附件表格appendix form for Y1, 個人資料表格personal data form, 發起人決議文memorandum of associations, 公司章程articles of associations)

沒想到, 負責我的案件的行員不會英文!! 她就雙手一攤說她沒辦法用英文說明XD

這是說, 我今天什麼事都不能做就是了

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A foreigner entrepreneur in Finland: Company registration (2)

Then, I went to the appointment of Smartius on 25th May Monday.

It was a female lawyer aged around 40s. She was nice maybe because she is in service industry.

First, I explained the overview and the future plan of my business. Then, I talked about the necessity of a marketing service contract for my business.

She explained several important points around this contract on the basis of Finnish laws.

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フィンランド起業経験 会社の登記(2)





また、まだ会社が設立されてなくてもfounding documentという書類を作れば、私とクライアントとの契約を個人名で締結しても会社設立後に自動的に会社名になるという大事な情報を教えてくれた。

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芬蘭創業經驗 登記公司(2)

然後, 我在5月25號星期一去了法律事務所「Smartius」, 其實也就是專對創業家或中小企業提供服務的小小的法律事務所

來接待的是年約40到50的中年芬蘭人女性, 或許因為是服務業, 所以人非常的友善, 英文也很流暢

首先就是先簡單介紹一下我要做的事業是什麼, 還有在我的事業裡市場行銷服務契約的重要性


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フィンランド起業経験 会社の登記(1)





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A foreigner entrepreneur in Finland: Company registration (1)

Since I have submitted the application for start-up grant in the middle of May, I think it a good time to get ready for company registration.

With a limited company, I can have a legal person for me to operate my business.

Then, no matter what happens, the worst thing is to lose all share capital I put in this company but not all my personal property, which is important.

Besides, the corporate income tax in Finland is only 20%, which is much lower than Japan or Taiwan. It could be saving some tax to operate a limited company in Finland.

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芬蘭創業經驗 登記公司(1)

既然五月中已經送出了創業補助金申請書, 我想也該開始準備登記公司了

只要登記了公司, 就有法人, 可以讓我營運事業

有限股份公司的話, 責任就只限於公司的資本金, 不管發生什麼事, 頂多是公司破產損失投資在公司上的資本, 但是不會危及我個人的全部資產

而且芬蘭的法人所得稅是20%, 比台灣還有日本都低, 所以在一些情況下也是可以節稅的

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Some thoughts for (probably young) people

Since international students around me are mostly 10-12 years younger than me, I was thinking what I can do for their further growth.

I think what I can do for them are simply buy some alcohols for them or provide them some different angles or ideas to think of their future lives as reference.

In my thoughts, all reference I give is only for one single goal:

How to have a happy life?

I provide some different angles for them to think for this question.

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週遭的留學生大多很年輕, 約莫比我小10到12歲, 而我也時常在想年長如我能為他們做些什麼

我想我能做的除了偶爾請他們喝喝酒之外, 大概就是給他們一些想法做為他們人生的參考了吧

而在我的想法之中, 所謂人生的參考為的只有一個目標

那就是, 「如何能擁有幸福的人生? 」


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A leaving season

The academic semesters in the universities in Finland are from September to the middle of December for Autumn and from the middle of January to the end of May for Spring.

Now it’s close to the end of the semester and the whole academic year. (This article was written at the end of May)

Many people are leaving from this university and this city.

I can feel that people walk around the dormitory is getting fewer and fewer.

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