Author Archives: Ken Cheng

芬蘭創業經驗 創業補助金的繁雜手續(1)

(本文內容雖發生於2015年4月9日, 但因需時翻譯所以刊登日期稍晚, 請見諒)

現在來到了有點麻煩的地方, 不過即便如此, 對於一個(預期)以後會成長為國際大企業的公司而言, 倒也不是什麼大問題吧

只不過, 實在是不想在這種沒有生產力的事情上耗費時間啊XD


為了讓自己的創業點子成為具體的事業, 並且是成為一個能創造出價值的事業, 我目前主要分三個方面在進行

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今日話したいのは最も少額で広く配られている起業助成金:Start up grantだ。




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Entrepreneur support system in Finland (2) Start-up grant

There are various kinds of funds available for start-ups in Finland.

Today I would like to talk about one of the most general and widely used funding: Start-up grant.

In Finnish, it’s written “Starttiraha”, which means the money for starting.

This funding is provided by the Ministry of Employment and the Economy of Finnish government. If the application is approved, the start-up firm can receive around 1,000~1,600 euros (before tax) every month for at least 6 months. There is also possibility to elongate it to as long as 18 months.

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芬蘭的創業支援體系 (2) 創業補助金


而我今天所要提的是在芬蘭最普遍的創業補助金之一, 叫做Start up grant

在芬蘭語叫做「Starttiraha」, 意思就是「開始的錢」

出錢的是芬蘭中央政府的雇用與經濟部, 申請通過的話每個月可以領取1,000歐元長達六個月, 依據條件甚至可以領到每月最多1,600歐元, 最長一年半 (不過需要另行扣稅)

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フィンランド起業支援 (1) Jyväskylän Yritystehdas


そんな時に思い出したのは去年ここの大学で勉強していた時にある起業関係の講演会に行ったことだった。その講演会の内容自体はさておき、主催者は起業支援の組織である「Jyväskylän Yritystehdas」というものだった。

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Entrepreneur support system in Finland (1) Jyväskylän Yritystehdas

As I wrote previously in “The direction of my business (2)”, the approximate direction of my business was getting clear gradually now and I have been collecting information and verifying the effectiveness of my business model so far. Therefore, I’m thinking of registering my company to make it ready for running business.

Then, what came to my mind was a small speaking lecture I attended last year here in Finland. The organization which held this speaking lecture is called “Jyväskylän Yritystehdas”.

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芬蘭的創業支援體系 (1) Jyväskylän Yritystehdas

在上次所寫的「創業的方向性(2) 」中提到我想做的生意的方向性已經漸漸明晰, 在經過蒐集資訊還有逐步檢證business model的可行性之後, 我開始覺得我應該來登記一下公司有個框架來準備開始營運

那時候我回想到我去年曾經參加過的一場演講, 演講的內容並不是本文的重點, 重點是主辦那場演講的組織, 它叫做「Jyväskylän Yritystehdas」

Jyväskylä是我住的城市, 而Yritystehdas在芬蘭語中意指「創業工場」, 換句話說就是一個在這個城市中協助與推廣創業活動的組織

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Driving power, capacity and wave of personal energy (3)

(3) Parallel working

No needs to say, working on 3 tasks at the same time is more efficient than working on 1 task.

A task needs to wait for the reply from others or needs to wait for the working time of others should be sent out earlier than other tasks!

For instance, A task is to schedule a meeting and you need to send out a mail and wait for the reply from your colleagues. B task is to check data by yourself and it takes 3 hours.

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Driving power, capacity and wave of personal energy (2)

(2) 80% principle

Everyone wants what they produced to be recognized as valuable. Everyone wants what they did to be perfect.

However, there is something you need to know first, which is how you use time does matter.

If we define the subjective perfectness of the products or documents you made with a range from 0% to 100% (0% is nothing done and 100% means subjectively perfect), do you really think the time you used to work for your products is proportional to the perfectness of your product? For example, if you think you need 1 hour to achieve 50% perfectness of your product, will it simply be 2 hours needed to achieve 100% perfectness?

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幹勁, 效率跟均衡人生(2)

(2) 80%主義

不論是誰都希望自己能把事做到幾乎完美, 希望自己所做的能受到肯定

但是必須小心的是時間的用法, 並不是每次都拚命做就可以了

如果把成果或完成品的完成度以0%到100%為範圍表示的話, 你覺得所花的時間跟完成度會成正比嗎? 譬如說花了一個小時達到50%完成度, 那麼花兩個小時就能達到100%嗎?

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Driving power, capacity and wave of personal energy (1)

The concepts for today varies a lot from each individual, but it’s somehow most people had experienced. I would like to write them down here to make them more concrete for myself.

First, driving power.

The definition of driving power here is the willingness inside yourself of doing things you want to do and the strength of your behavior of moving forward.

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