今天所寫的是個人差異很大的概念, 不過我想每個人都有過類似的經驗, 我今天在這裡稍做整理
如果內心裡有真心想做的事, 那麼自然而然就會產生幹勁
如果壓根沒有幹勁的話, 那麼那些事大概不是你真心想做的吧
今天所寫的是個人差異很大的概念, 不過我想每個人都有過類似的經驗, 我今天在這裡稍做整理
如果內心裡有真心想做的事, 那麼自然而然就會產生幹勁
如果壓根沒有幹勁的話, 那麼那些事大概不是你真心想做的吧
(3) I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.
No need to say, it’s very difficult.
People try various ways to hind their emotions and feelings.
Saying “you are so stupid to do such a dangerous thing!” is a way to express the hidden love.
It could be an easier way to let the person understand by saying “I feel so sad to see you get hurt”.
Why don’t you think for me? Why don’t you smile to me? Why do you do something like that to hurt me? I want to see your smile. I feel so happy with this moment with you. Now I feel…..
(3) 後悔自己沒能勇於表達自己的情感
I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.
不需言語, 我想每個人都能了解這其實真得很困難
面對自己最喜歡最重要的人卻用一種傷害對方的方式來表達自己的關懷, 像是「你怎麼這麼笨!做這麼危險的事!」
但是其實在表達一樣的關懷時稍微換一些字句可以使得對方的感受大為不同, 譬如說「我實在很不忍心看到你受傷」是不是聽起來跟上句很不一樣呢?
I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.
After all of these, there are 2 more things for you to remember.
First one is “to be along”.
We all stayed together with our friends while we were still kids in elementary or high schools and walked toward the same direction.
However, after senior high school, university and in the following path in professions, your friends may walk to different paths from yours. In most cases, you need to work hard along. Even though there may be some people supporting you, you still know that you are always along in your heart and you have to tackle down difficulties by yourself.
在小學或中學, 我們跟我們的同學或朋友往往都做著一樣的事, 考一樣的試, 上一樣的課, 在人生中朝著一樣的方向前進
但是到了高中大學或之後出社會工作的時候, 大部分的人會走上不同的路朝著不同的方向前進, 在大多數的情況下我們往往必須自己努力, 即便身邊或許會有人給予我們支持, 但是在我們的內心之中, 在自己的路上, 終究會是自己孤獨的一個人
孤獨地努力, 孤獨地往自己的夢想與目標前進
原作者はボニー・ウェア(Bronnie Ware)さん、原作のタイトルはTop 5 regrets of the dying
This is a well-known story published in 2012. I would like to write them down here since they are so important to me as well.
The original author is Bronnie Ware.
The Australian author, Bronnie, changed her jobs for several times in different countries in order to find what she wants, and then she became a nurse in a life-ending institute. While she was taking care of those patients facing the end of their lives, she heard many stories describing how and what they are regretful to their lives, and she classified these stories into 5 major groups.
These 5 major regrets gave me impacts to the focus of my life and the pattern of time distribution of my days while letting me be sure that where I’m going toward and what I’m doing won’t make me regret at the end of my life.
(1) I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
這是一個蠻有名的故事, 我覺得它很重要, 所以在這個部落格裡我想再將它重新思考整理一遍
原作者是Bronnie Ware, 而原標題是Top 5 regrets of the dying
作者的Bronnie在從事了幾個不同的職業經過不斷尋找自己的過程之後, 落腳於一個安養醫院主要照護離生命的終點不遠的病人們, 他每天跟不同的病人接觸, 聽著每個病人不同的人生故事, 最後整理出了五個這些臨終病人們對自己的人生最感到後悔的事
希望我也能牢記這五句話, 讓自己的人生不留下悔恨
(1) 後悔自己過度迎合周遭的期盼, 而沒能走出屬於自己的人生
I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
Feeling as one moment, this blog has met its anniversary today.
It was a very long year.
People usually feel that time flies, but it was a very full and colorful year for me since I have plenty of memory now from this past year.
I still remember that I wrote the following sentence in my Facebook on the 1st January in 2014: “Hope and chances will be everywhere in 2014. I will live through this year as strong as I did in the past.”
轉眼間, 這個部落格也寫著寫著寫了一年了
因為這一年已經結束, 所以感到時間飛快流逝或許也是很理所當然的吧, 不過這是很多采多姿而且很充實的一年
一年前的現在, 我辭去了穩定的工作, 以不支薪的條件進到加藤先生的小公司, 為的是學習創業的經驗
Due to some blessings (or maybe I should say timing? chance? luck? coincidence? accumulated efforts?), I felt the direction of my business is gradually getting more clear.
As described in the previous article “The direction of my business (1)”, the philosophy of my business would be “Being a bridge among Taiwan, Japan and Finland (Europe)”.
At the same time, there was good news coming to Mr. Kato in Japan that there was a Japanese game company who is asking Mr. Kato that if it’s possible to buy and put its advertisement on Mr. Kato’s App game review website, which means that the App game review website had grown to sufficient scale to attract game companies.
So! Since this game review website is attractive to a game company, if I can work together with Mr. Kato to sell the advertising service of his website to the well developing game industry in Finland, this could be a good business chance for me!